We chat with Tennis Australia Head of National Programs Rebecca McDonald about the new look Cardio Tennis.
9 August 2023 | Tennis Australia
We chat with Tennis Australia Head of National Programs Rebecca McDonald to find out more about the new look Cardio Tennis
Tell us more about how the New Look Cardio Tennis project came about?
For almost 10 years, Cardio Tennis has been a fun exercise program combining a cardio workout with tennis drills and high-energy music. The number of coaches offering the program continues to grow around the country.
Over a year ago, we started talking with coaches who deliver Cardio Tennis around Australia and asked them what was working with the program and how it could be improved to make it more attractive for a wider range of participants.
As a result of this consultation, we have adapted the Cardio Tennis program and are excited to share it with coaches in October.
What did you learn during the consultation phase?
We found that the demand for Cardio Tennis has increased significantly over the past few years, however it is not just hardcore fitness fanatics that are taking part.
Some coaches have already been successfully adapting the program to suit their local environment and have seen increased participation as a result.
The motivations to play Cardio Tennis and the people playing it have changed over the years and so the new look program provides an opportunity to deliver tennis to a more diverse group of Australians.
There were more than 3000 individual items of feedback that we sorted into the following themes:
- Adding flexibility to the way the program is delivered
- Updating activities and content
- The way coaches want to learn from each other about implementing programs
- Re-examining coach education and development opportunities
- Marketing, Communications & Digital support.
How are you planning to make the program more flexible to deliver?
We have spent considerable time redefining the program philosophy and will introduce a flexible ‘framework’ to deliver the program.
Part of this work has been the development of four Cardio Tennis streams which provide choice for participants in line with motivations and skill levels. These new levels are:
Previously, sessions have had a heavy focus on Cardio Classic tennis drills. So, we have been expanding the library of activities to suit the four new streams.
Have you got any good case studies of coaches who have already begun adapting Cardio Tennis to their environment?
Yes, one of the best things to come out of the consultation with coaches has been unearthing some great examples of how the new flexible framework can work in practice.
We are looking to promote an “Adopt, Adapt and Share” philosophy where we can showcase best practice and encourage peer-to-peer learning opportunities.
How will coach education adapt to the new look?
Currently, there are very little resources and coaching support for Cardio Tennis after the completion of course accreditation. We are looking to build out the existing courses to reflect the new look but also introduce refreshed resources on Bounce and the TA Coach Premium App.
We are also looking at online course modules for Cardio Tennis as currently there are only face-to-face learning opportunities. These will be a combination of theoretical and practical information and will also explore some of the different motivations to participate and how to engage accordingly.
What else does the new look involve?
We are also making changes to the brand of Cardio Tennis and how we market it.
The four streams have been built out to appeal to different audiences. We are also introducing more relevant and reflective imagery to appeal to wider demographics.
Deliverers will be provided with more assets and opportunities to market their programs. Improvements to the digital experience for both coaches and participants will also be made to reflect program changes.
Anything else that coaches need to know?
For now, all you need to do is get ready and we will continue to provide regular updates in the lead-in to October.
If you have any questions, please make sure you ask them at your next Coach Exchange or get in touch with a member of the team.
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